Thursday 25 April 2019

British English vs American English

In Japanese schools American English is taught.  So even though I'm from England I
teach more American English.  I usually point out differences between British English and American
I came across this web page. It's in Japanese and explains a lot about British English.

Hope the link works, if not search for British Eigo.  Enjoy.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Learning Japanese

The other week Mikey and I were cleaning out the room we use for teaching. I
was surprised at how many Japanese language books I have.  Most I have
had for a few years but they still look new.  Buying books doesn't mean
learning anything!
I thought about my attempts at learning Japanese and one thing that  I have realised is that I have
tried to do it by myself. I've never been to any classes or asked for help!
So when I got stuck or couldn't understand anything I would give up. There are somethings that I
can do by myself like learning how to write hiragana, katagan and kanji.  I watch Hannah
and see how much she practises for her kanji tests, he spends hours writing out the same
kanji until she has memorised it.  I think that is the only way to do it.
But other areas I need help, reading and grammar are confusing, having somebody to sit
with me and help me out would be a big help!  So I am going to ask my kids for help!
I need to do better in this!

Just a few of my Japanese books

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Baby Animals

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, been very here the past few weeks!
Our Mama cat had her second lot of kittens.
This made  me think about baby animal names.  In English there are quite a few.
In Japanese the kanji for child is put in front of the animal name. So a puppy is
koinu, inu is dog, ko is child. Nice and simple.
Here are a few baby animal names in English

Dog   Puppy
Cat    Kitten
Horse   Foal
Lion   Cub
Bear  Cub
Mouse  Pup
Goat    Kid
Elephant  Calf
Cow    Calf
Ape    Baby
Camel   Calf
Rabbit    Kitten

These are just a few.
To finish some pictures of our new kittens.

First Halloween Party

 This week is Halloween party week.  Not doing anything big, people are still worried about corona!   The first party was last Saturday.  (2...