Sunday 23 October 2022

First Halloween Party

 This week is Halloween party week.  Not doing anything big, people are still worried about corona!  

The first party was last Saturday.  (29th is a holiday).  Just 4 girls, Hannah did the party.  Hannah made a spider darts game that was popular, the girls asked to play snakes and ladders, then there was a lot of snacks and giggling.  I think everybody enjoyed themselves!

playing snakes and ladders

Halloween table

spider darts

spiders made from ping pong balls

Sunday 2 October 2022

Sorry Again

 I think about updating but somehow never get that far!

Already October.  Time flies!

We are getting ready for the next round of Eiken Tests!  I always feel very tense just before the tests, even though I'm not taking them!

Also, Halloween.  Looking forward to games, scary stories (but not too scary) and a lot of fun!

Started the Halloween Table

Sunday 31 July 2022

Well Done

 Most of our students who did the Eiken test in June have passed!  I am so happy as they worked hard.  The ones who didn't pass only missed by a few points.  We are getting ready for the next tests in October.  I know it sounds a long time but the weeks rush past so quickly!

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Rainy Season

 The rainy season started on Monday.  Non stop rain.  At the moment it is still cool so doesn't feel too bad. 

I'm often asked if there is a rainy season in England.  We get a lot of rain all year but no rainy season.  Because of this we have a lot of ways to describe rain.

It's raining cats and dogs means very heavy rain.

Another saying for heavy rain is "It's coming down in buckets", I can remember my Mom saying this.

A short shower that lasts for just a few minutes is a sun shower or sneeze.

Light rain is a drizzle. As is a mist.  

There is also a cloudburst and torrential rain.

There are many more, most of them are regional.  

I grew up with this kind of weather.  The day could start out nice and sunny but by lunch time wit could be pouring down.  I could never be bothered with carrying an umbrella with me so I often got soaked through.  I still don't carry an umbrella, after all it's only water!

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Sorry ....Again!

 I really don't mean there to be a long gap between posts but time seems to get away from me.

Talking to some of the students I can see that they are really struggling with English in the last few years of elementary school.  I was wondering if part of the problem is the parents not being able to help. I remember when my kids were in elementary school and needed help my husband had to help as I couldn't read Japanese!  ( still can't!).  I was thinking a group of Moms studying together would be nice.  It would give them a chance to learn some English and help their kids out.

So any Mom's out there that want to study English?

Friday 10 December 2021


 I've been really busy the past few weeks.  The curriculum for junior high school has changed.  There is a lot of new vocabulary added also the students are expected to be able read and write after just a few lessons.  The first test the students had they had to write a self introduction,  at least three lines long.  After just two months of study that is really hard!  One problem is the students now have English in elementary school, so it is expected that they already have basic vocabulary but most elementary school teachers don't have English and rely a lot on ALT, most of whom are not teachers but hold some kind of degree!  The result is that the students English experience varies a lot.  Some love it but a lot hate it and find it difficult and boring! I would love to go into the schools and teach the teachers so they can do better!

To help the kids that come here I've been rethinking how and what we teach.  I want to make it more relevant to what they have to learn in school and hopefully make it easier for the kids and more enjoyable.  My biggest problem is my lack of Japanese.  I need to study more to be able to explain things more clearly.  I have my work cut out for me!

Thursday 28 October 2021

More Halloween Pictures


Mikey has a class in the next town.  The parents there asked for a big party, putting all the kids together.  Because it would be over 2 hours long Mikey did a magic show for them!  From what I've heard he did very well.  He is hoping to turn professional soon, it should of happened last year but covid stopped that!

Mikey getting wrapped up as a Mummy

Floating table trick

Halloween mask!

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Halloween Parties

  It's that time of year again, where ghost stories and games rule our English classes. In Japan the second term of school is very long, September to the end of December without any breaks.  By this time the kids are already flagging and finding it hard to concentrate and there are still two months to go.  To give the kids a break, especially after working hard for an English test, we have Halloween Parties the last week of October.  The kids look forward to it, the younger ones dress up and invite their friends to come.  I use to do cookies but this year I realized that I don't have the energy to bake over 200 cookies in my small kitchen!  So we bought a load of candy, cookies and chocolate and made up small gift bags for the kids to take home.  I was hoping to hire the local community center and do two big parties but parents are still worried about Covid 19 so we stuck to doing parties for each class.  Two more days to go then need to think about Christmas!

Girls looking cute in their costumes


Halloween table. 
I put the Halloween table out the beginning of October, it makes a good conversation piece for the kids, they ask questions or make comments on the different things.  Makes for for more natural learning than just from a book!  

Thursday 7 October 2021

Getting Ready For Halloween

 I've finally got Halloween decorations out and they look nice.  The kids are enjoying them.  We spend time in the lessons talking about what's on he table.  Even the older kids get a kick out of it. 

All set for Halloween!
This week has been hard, most schools had there field day last weekend so kids have been tired. Plus junior high and high schools have mid term tests coming up.  Seeing our Halloween table helps cheer up the kids a bit!  

Sunday 3 October 2021

Last Push

 This coming weekend is the Eiken test.  We have about 10 students taking the test and hoping that everybody can pass!  Last week and this week we are giving past tests to see where the weak points are and helping the students gain confidence.  I feel sorry for a lot of the junior high and high school students as they have mid term tests this week as well.  Almost done then Halloween.  Last week of the month will be Halloween parties, Mikey will perform some magic tricks.  We wanted to rent a place and do two parties, one for younger kids, followed by one for the older kids but with the pandemic we decided to do individual parties for each class.

One of cats is helping us get ready for Halloween.

Alan and friend!

Tuesday 14 September 2021

A Murder In My City

 Japan has a very low crime rate. The city we live is safe enough for Hannah to walk back from her part time job at 10 o'clock at night.  In the 13 years we have lived here I've only heard of a few crimes near here, one was when a woman was attacked, another was some guy flashing girls near the library.  But murder, not unheard off but very rare.  It seems to me that murder in Japan seems to be very extreme, either a massacre such as the fire at the anime study that killed 33 people or very brutal, the beheading of a 11 year old, the head was then placed on the school gate are two incidents that come to mind.  But a cold blooded murder in my small city has really shocked me.  Apparently a university student traveled 120kms (about 74 miles) and killed an elderly woman who was in her garden weeding.  He had a steel hammer with him and hit her repeatedly around the head.  He then traveled 130kms (about 80 miles) and to another prefecture where he walked into a police station and confessed his crime.  He had no relation with this woman, never met her, she was just a random victim.  As much as I feel sorry for the ladies family I also feel sorry for this young man.  According to one article he had tried to set fire to his house before.  I think he has some serious mental health problem but that is not talked about in Japan.  Mental health is brushed under the carpet, people are expected to just get on regardless of how depressed they feel or how strong their stress is.  I know that in public schools the counselor has at least five schools to deal with, they don't have the chance to really see what the kids school life is like.  One of our students spent weeks talking to Mikey about her fears when her classmate tried to commit suicide, she had nobody else to talk to.  I'm sure over the next week or so this murder will be talked about on news programs with all the hand wringing and wishing it wasn't so but I doubt anything will change.  

First Halloween Party

 This week is Halloween party week.  Not doing anything big, people are still worried about corona!   The first party was last Saturday.  (2...